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Living Costs in Turkey

In Turkey, the national currency is the Lira. Depending on one’s lifestyle and spending habits, an international student can live in Turkey on a budget of 300- 600 dollars per month.  Living costs are estimated to be 70% cheaper than in the USA and Canada.

Tuition Fees

Universities in Turkey are known for their affordability. On average, undergraduate programs range from 1500 to 15000 USD per year while post- graduate programs cost 3500 to 12000 USD per year for international students. This is well below the average tuition fees in countries like Canada, U.S., U.K., Australia, and China.

Accommodation Costs

Students can choose from different types of accommodation, some are more budget-friendly, and others provide additional comfort and convenience.The following are the most popular accommodation options for students in Turkey:

  • University Dormitories:Costs vary depending on the university and facilities
  • State Dormitories:Costs around 24–38 dollars per month
  • Private Dormitories:These come with additional facilities with higher costs
  • Renting an Apartment:the costs between 100 to 300 dollars monthly , depending on facilities

Historical & Cultural Heritage

  • An important subject to be remembered in the world and in Turkey too is the preservation of cultural values so that these can be handed down to future generations.
  • Turkey has a vibrant culture and rich natural resources – the preservation and development of these have been stipulated by law.
  • Many organizations have been set up in connection with this subject and preservation has now become a subject that concerns many organizations, institutions, and people.
  • Turkey has approximately 2,700 historical ruins some dating back to prehistoric times and 41,000 works of culture.
  • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) encourages the identification, protection, and preservation of cultural and natural heritage around the world considered to be of outstanding and universal value to humanity.
  • Turkey has approximately 2,700 historical ruins some dating back to prehistoric times and 41,000 works of culture.
  • World Heritage sites belong to all the peoples of the world, irrespective of the territory on which they are located. In the UNESCO “World Cultural Heritage List” there are 18 heritage sites from Turkey, out of 1121 properties (as of 2021) around the world.

Language & Culture

  • Turkish is spoken by 87% of the population. Kurdish is spoken by a small minority in the southeast of Turkey. French, German, and English are also spoken in several tourist areas.
  • Turkey is known for its food and its hospitable culture.
  • Each of Turkey’s seven regions is known for its own cuisine.
  • Many restaurants in Istanbul are acclaimed globally.
  • Dishes are accompanied by a rich salad and pickled vegetables. For starters, bread is served.
  • served. The most popular dessert is the Baklava – a classic flaky, sweet, pistachio-infused delight.

Food Costs in Turkey

  • The University cafeteria serves 2 or 3 very affordable and healthy meals every day.
  • These meals cost around 0.30–1.15 dollars.
  • A student’s monthly budget for food and groceries largely depends on their lifestyle.

Transportation Costs

  • Turkey has a vast system of public buses, metros, and trams.
  • A monthly metro and bus pass is around 27 dollars, and students can also buy tickets for single trips.

Students Attractions in Turkey


Turkey is a member of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) which implements the Bologna Process. The Bologna Process is a European intergovernmental reform process to establish the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Turkey has been part of the Bologna process since 2001, with the result that Turkish degrees are recognized in all European countries and consequently the whole world.


The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) is used everywhere in Europe and Turkey, making it easy for students to compare study programs and transfer their academic qualifications from one educational institution to another. All Turkish higher education programs are described by ECTS as a system of credit transfer and accumulation of academic credits towards the final degree.


Turkey is one of the most successful countries participating in the exchange programs under Erasmus Plus. Apart from Erasmus, there are numerous exchange programs in Turkey such as Mevlana and Farabi that support the mobility of students and teachers in Europe and Turkey. Studying in Turkey provides great opportunities to learn and work in multiple countries and universities within Europe.


The academic year in Turkey begins in September and ends in June. We recommend that students contact us prior to the start of the academic year to ensure their enrolment in their desired program and university. Undergraduate and BS programs are generally completed within 4 years while professional development programs may take 2 years to finish. the length of master’s programs varies between 1-2 years.